We all know that Pandora is a free music player that provides free music for music lovers to freely enjoy. But the problem is that you could only enjoy the free music on Pandora. You couldn’t directly download Pandora free music to your own portable players for offline enjoying. Pandora doesn’t provide such kind of Method. This would be frustrating. Thus, in this post, we would like to share 4 different ways with you on how to get Pandora free music. You could make a comparison among these 4 different methods and then select the one that meets you most.
Method 1: Directly buy Pandora free music from other music sellers like Amazon or iTunes. Pandora would provide the detailed information about the music. So you could find the exact songs on iTunes or Amazon online shops to get the music you love. The disadvantage of this method is quite obvious: you have to pay a lot of extra money. Not recommended.
Method 2: Make use of YouTube video and free YouTube downloader. You could try to search the music you like on Pandora on YouTube and then use a free YouTube downloader program to download the music. Various free YouTube downloader programs are available, like Leawo Free YouTube Downloader, which could help you directly download YouTube video and extract audio out of YouTube video to save in different audio formats for multiple players. Compared with the 1st method, this one would save your money but cost your time. And some music on Pandora might not be found on YouTube or other online video sharing sites.
Method 3: Take use of browser add-ons. Some add-ons could help you record music from Pandora and then download the Pandora music to your computer easily, like the Video Download Helper for Firefox browser. After you adds this extension on your Firefox, when you play Pandora music, you could see a red download icon on your browser for you to download Pandora music. This method is actually quite time and energy saving. But it also has fatal disadvantages. If Pandora finds out you are doing this, your account will be suspended according to the Terms of Use. And also this add-on is not accessible for all browsers.
Method 4: The last method could be considered as the best choice for you as it combines the advantags of the previous 3 ones. That is to use Leawo Music Recorder, an audio recording software that could record music from any online music sites including Pandora, Last.FM, YouTube, Myspace, etc. You only need to let this program work when you play Pandora music. This msuic recording software would record your favorite Pandora music and automatically add the music tags to complete music info, which is impossible for the second and the third methods. What’s more, you don’t need to worry about your Pandora account being suspended for it’s entirely legal. You could click how to download Pandora music free for detailed operation. (Mac users could take use of Leawo Music Recorder for Mac.)